A beautiful Japanese Pine with its twisted branches takes center stage in this light sepia photo. The image fades around the edges to give a more dramatic effect. Perfect for printing and displaying in your living or work space.

Up close and intimate. This sepia photo of a beautiful Japanese Pine brings you close to the inner tree with its intricate branching. The details gradually fade as we move away form the subject. Print it on perl photographic paper with a linen texture for a classic presentation,

The Japanese Pine is on an island in the lake, in the left foreground. The lake and other treas are it's backdrop. Sepia photo suitable for printing. Fine art photography wall art for your home or office

Portrait view in close up of the Japanese Pine showing its trunk and branches. The leaves come out of the tree toward us and fade out into the periphery. Done in sepia

Enlarge this image to fully appreciate the majesty of this Japanese Pine.