A soft focus relaxes the senses as one gazes at the Grey Kingbird blending into the blue-green background. The dead grey branch it perches on adds some contrast to this fine image.
A lone Greater Flamingo looks for dinner in the salt marsh. Pinks and purples dominate in this fine art photograph highlighting the flamingo off center with a soft focus and slight vignetting. Perfect for printing and adding color and art to your living or work space.
The elegant Great White Egret stands on the rocks and surveys the water for a meal. A subdued lighting and a mottled dark green background help to give this photo a contemplative nature. The egret stands with its back to us, slightly off center and mildly highlighted, with a soft focus. The photo is mildly vignetted.
Two Greater Flamingos stand in the middle of the salt flat,, one preening and the other in a classic upright pose. Both are standing on one leg. Pinks and purples dominate this fine art image.
The Yellow-crowned Night Heron is caught in mid flight . Clear eyed and strong beaked its wings are extended in a downward flap. Overall grey, with a yellow crown, it stands out before a blurred background